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HistorIC : détails d'un événement


Cartes des intensités

    tempête/coup de vent

    Cet événement a débuté le dimanche 14 mars 1751 et s'est terminé le lundi 15 mars 1751.
    Il est classé comme événement mémorable et a eu lieu dans les Pays de la Loire et en Poitou-Charentes.

    Il a été classé dans la catégorie tempête/coup de vent et nous n'avons encore aucune valeur.

    La tempte de 1751 a t tudie grce de la sdimentologie. Une publication est disponible sur Nature :

    Pourquoi cet événement est-il classé « mémorable » ?
    La tempte de 1751 a t tudie grce de la sdimentologie. Une publication est disponible sur Nature :


    "At La Bruffière, a local parish register, written between 1751–176029, presents the damage as: “A hurricane ripped out more than half of the church, (…), destroyed the nave of the church, (…) destroyed a large part of the houses, and ripped out and uprooted some stronger and taller oak trees (…). Finally, it is almost incredible the damage caused by this storm in this parish and others around.” Marine flooding was reported on the former island of Bouin and the Sables d’Olonnes. Wind impacts were recorded in Nantes and Thouars and according to the Francheteau family registers, Legé was severely impacted9. An ancient written source explains that “(…) about one hour after midnight, a storm began, or hurricane, that continued for a few hours with such violence that we did not know where to go, nor where to get to safety”45. Seuilly, Rennes, Le Mans, Poitiers and Angers churches or abbeys were partially destroyed29. Near Tours, the church of Saint-Croix of Montrichard was damaged (La Nouvelle République, August 2016). At La Ploueze, damage was so impressive that people thought this event happened at the same time as an earthquake46. Finally, this storm also had important impacts offshore. On 17 March 1751 AD, at the request of the Consulates, the Admiralty of Nantes issued an order directing all boats owners to unload their cargo within 24 h in order to leave as quickly as possible to Paimboeuf8. Their mission was to retrieve the goods and assist ships stranded by the storm. According to this source, the Admiralty wanted to reduce the damage of this event on trade47. The Parish register of Nantes reported that only three of the 60 ships remained unscathed, and many people were injured or died29. The numerous impacts recorded generally underline the eastern direction of this event."

    Sources et informations complémentaires

    Les records battus au cours de cet événement

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    Valeur Lieu Date Normales Records HistorIC Commentaire

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